Tuesday, February 15, 2011

GNU Radio TX/RX text via DQPSK

I am attempting to transfer a text file using the USRP an DQPSK modulation. I connected constellation sinks to both the transmit and receive sides.

TX constellation:

RX constellation:

I am using a packet encoder/decoder on both ends, but the packet_decoder is not producing any output.

UPDATE: So on the RX side it appears my gain was too high. After adjusting it I get much better results.


  1. I am doing the project on GRC, this is quite similar to my project, can you please send me the flow graph.
    Thank you

  2. Please send me the flow graph, if you have flow graph of ofdm Tx/RX, please do send that as well.
    Thank you.

  3. u doing the project use GRC or python programming?can you please send me the flow graph Tx and Rx or python script.

